Archive | March 2012

Obama thinks fake high gas prices promotes green economy

Obama is Commander-in-Chief

Many are blaming Obama, and he hasn’t shied away from the blame. By having high gas prices the Obama administration think they can get the American public to buy into electric vehicles and alternative fuel sources.

From Politico:

DOE is working to promote alternatives such as biofuels and electric vehicles, Chu told House appropriators during a hearing on DOE’s budget.

Read more:

The problem is that Obama is faking the high gas prices. They don’t have to be this high, and he doesn’t have to get the American public to buy into the “green” economy and “energy independence”. As the commander-in-chief, Obama can make the Department of Defense (DoD) focus on getting the military on alternative energy sources. As the largest oil consumer in the world, the DoD is the perfect player for funding the development of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources.

Below I will review four factors that influence high gas prices:

Military usage of oil

Obama could mandate the DoD to consolidate it’s budget to completely focus on how to get it off oil using alternative fuels and renewable energy technology. If Obama were serious about getting America into a green economy, this is where he should start.

Monetary policy leading to devaluation of dollar

By allowing the Federal Reserve to go unchecked with creating more debt-backed dollars, Obama and the congress are responsible for the devaluation of the currency. This is one of the biggest contributors to the increase in gas prices. Oil isn’t getting worth more, it’s just that the dollar is worth less. If congress took back the power of money generation, and changed from a debt-backed currency to Kilowatt hour backed currency, the dollar would regain strength, and we would purge the world of the parasitic private banks.

Wall street fraud going unpunished

Speculation of oil prices based on rumors of war and the growing demand from emerging markets. Our domestic oil production is the highest it’s been in 8 years (yes, that means Bush made less US oil than Obama). If you wants to point fingers, look no further than Goldman Sachs. Congress bares the responsibility of Wall Street Fraud. Darrell Issa and Michele Bachmann are working for the oil speculators by slowing down the rule enforcement of Dodd-Frank which is supposed to punish oil speculation. Obama should call them out specifically, and let the American people know that Darrell Issa and Michele Bachmann don’t represent the people, but they represent Goldman Sachs. Unfortunately, Obama also represents Goldman Sachs.

Demand from emerging markets

Emerging markets demand has doubled world oil consumption in five years. To meet rising demand from emerging markets, Petrobas plans to increase production to 3 million barrels a day by 2015.


Emerging markets include countries that account for a majority of the Earth’s human population. If they demand oil at the same rate per capita as the US, nobody will be able to afford it.

The Bottom Line

You can see with these four issues Obama could influence the high gas prices by doing the following:

  • Getting the military off oil for energy
  • Lead the idea of getting off of debt-backed currency that devalues over time
  • Punish oil speculators that increase the cost of oil at the expense of society
  • Join with the emerging markets to develop renewable sources of energy in order to allow the United States to ween itself painlessly.

The American people can have cheap gas while the green energy economy is inclubated by the DoD and DoE until it’s ready for civilian consumption.

Videos about high gas prices: